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Zindy Laursen (Denmark) – The Two of Us (single)

I would normally shy away from pure pop songs, there are other publications better suited to them, like Scandipop. But this is a nice, heartwarming little story, so I’m more than happy to pass it on.

Moreover, when I glanced at the PR I inadvertently read ‘Cyndi Lauper’. Now, since when she was Danish?

Our Zindy has been a girl ‘having fun’ but in a different way altogether.

She’s celebrating 30 years in the music business but a bigger celebration is being reunited with her father, William Johnson, in the USA and she does it with this single, ‘The Two of Us’.

Both the song and the video tell the story of her finding her father, with private footage of Zindy’s first meeting with him and the rest of the family at a Louisiana airport as well as her stay with the family. It took place in January of this year, after 30 years of searching.

To cut a long story short Zindy’s Danish mother met a US serviceman on leave from the Vietnam War in Australia 50 years ago and Zindy was born nine months later in Denmark. As an adult she sought him for many years and was latterly aided by a genealogist who just happened to perform a Covid test on her in Copenhagen. He knew of her from the media as her story had caught its attention, big style.

It didn’t take him long to track down William in Baker, Louisiana, who didn’t even know he was a father, never mind her father. He’s now 71 while Zindy is 50 but doesn’t look it. Zindy also discovered that many of her family members are musical and sing gospel music in the local church.

She wrote the song shortly before leaving for the US and it is about the range of emotions you can go through in situations such as this.  

The story reminds me in some ways of St Vincent (Annie Clark) who based her most recent album, ‘Daddy’s Home,’ on the release of her father from prison after 10 years behind bars. I suppose being unable to track down your own father is a prison sentence of sorts.

For anyone who’s thinking the song might sound like Bill Withers’ classic ‘Just the Two of Us’ well actually in a way it does but in a very upbeat fashion.

It’s quite catchy and can imagine it will be popular for reasons that include how it can be applied to many personal situations in addition to this one.

I don’t know a great deal about Zindy but saw on her Facebook page that she was particularly popular in the late 1990s with hits that occupied the #1 position in the charts for weeks on end. Also that’s she’s still very active, performing at outdoor concerts last summer.

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