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MesaVerde (Norway) – Pyramid Fucksnake (single/track from forthcoming album)

‘Pyramid Fucksnake’ is the second single from MesaVerde’s forthcoming album ‘All is Well’, which will be released during the winter of 2024 on Apollon Records. (That’s verbatim; I think they might have meant 2023).

The new, Oslo-based ‘pop-prog’ band has been here before, back in May, with their first single ‘Pickings for the Beast’.

A synopsis of that review might read: “80s/dance/bass heavy/humour/technically capable/impressive guitar solo/strong melodies but lacks a hook/perhaps too complex.” Revisiting it now perhaps I was a little hard with the ‘hook’ observation.

I was particularly intrigued by the concept of the ‘prog dance’ track. You don’t find many of those.

‘Pyramid Fucksnake’ lacks dance moves but not at the expense of the genuine prog rock that drives it. Having opened with a brief math rock section that would do justice to Pom Poko I thought I’d mistakenly tuned in to something just unearthed from the back catalogue of Yes that had never been released, from round about the time of ‘Close to the Edge’, and complete with Jon Anderson on vocals and Steve Howe on guitar.

MesaVerde are going to make a lot of old geezers who thought they’d never hear anything like this again very happy.

Do I need to add any more?



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