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Nordic Music Central Viking Hero

Gunnar Ingi Guðmundsson – We’ll find rain (single)

You might recall Gunnar Ingi Guðmundsson or plain Gunnar Ingi as he likes to be known,from earlier in the year, August to be precise, with his new album, ‘Eyðibýli’ (‘Abandoned farm’, alt: ‘Deserted farm’), his first solo one, after six months of recording.

Starting off as a bass player he became a film composer with a degree in Music Composition for Film and TV from the illustrious Berklee College of Music in Boston and his speciality, understandably, is new music in cinematic style.

I questioned at the time how well can he transfer these particular educational attributes into his music and found that he is one of those people who can let his imagination run riot without compromising the end result and that the track in question, the title one from the album, was immediately evocative. Only two minutes and twenty seconds long it might be used for all manner of cinematic adventures.

This follow up track, ‘We’ll find rain’, was actually released last October I believe but was overlooked at the time owing to the sheer volume of output then. It was written by Ingi and Elin Brassfield Bourke who also appears on the recording along with Rakel Páls, with whom Ingi collaborates, and I see she has released a song of her own, ‘Kósíkvöld í Des’ with Ingi in tow, also this year.

The previous piece commences with a slow and simple piano introduction and then transits into a powerful symphonic arrangement. ‘We’ll find rain’ has the same piano and commanding arrangement but sandwiched by a delightful ballad of what appear to be childhood reminiscences sung by, I presume, Rakel Páls.

It’s a recording that immediately says it should be accompanying the end of a sad rom com, on TV or the big screen. Those years at Berklee certainly weren’t wasted.

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