Johanna Brun (Sweden) – Overcome (single/probable future album track)

As Johanna Brun edges closer to her debut album release in early 2025 (having just played at Live at Heart – Sweden’s answer to Glastonbury – and with the hint of UK shows in support of the album) it’s often difficult not to be ‘Overcome’ by a talent that was restrained for too long by circumstances ‘out of (her) control’ – as she presciently named one of her earlier songs – but which now flourishes.

Let’s just put it this way. If you imagine her beginnings as a budding flower and where she is now as a rose garden, then what she’s set to be is the Chelsea Flower Show.

Unless of course something goes awry, and the flowers wilt and die. After all, she knows all about setbacks. Her teenage life was one huge one. But if another one ever comes along this deceptively tough young lady will overcome it for sure.

There is no suggestion right now that the trajectory is anywhere but straight at the sun with another gorgeous ballad which this time is built around a gentle guitar melody rather than the piano before it erupts into one of her overwhelming vocal and instrumental choruses and then quietly exits, lamented by strings, with the heart wrenching “chasing answers…“when am I there, will I ever be enough”?”

Whether or not you’ve experienced her before, I defy you not to be moved by this performance.

And it’s just the beginning. Trust me.

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