Slagger Lund (Denmark) – Ekstranummer (single/possible future album track+ video)

Back from holiday and I’m finally getting my head around the Danish language. Of course, ‘Ekstranummer’ would be ‘extra number’ in English or just plain ‘more’ if the audience had really enjoyed the show. Simple as that.

(Or as an English commentator might observe, it’s better than ‘door!’ which is what so many artists appearing at Working Men’s Clubs had to endure, irrespective of their talents, in front of the toughest audiences in the world).

You can’t keep a good bloke down and Slagger Lund never fails to entertain with his highly individual brand of philosophical alt folk-rock song writing. He has previously gained our attention with, inter alia, a song about Danish football icon Brian Laudrup and another about the meaning of a famous one from Manchester synth rockers New Order.

I described him in one of those reviews as a writer of poetry set to music and I see no reason to change that judgement here.  

‘Ekstranummer’ is, he says, a song about keeping on going, no matter what the odds are and whether or not they are ever in your favour. “Like the birds keep on singing” he adds – “an existential song.”

With all the existentialism going on in the world right now this could have been a melancholic track but always look on the bright side of life is the mantra and it is unwavering. He’s the sort of bloke I’d want to be with when we get the four-minute warning. He’d probably rustle up a song about that in time to perform it before the mushroom cloud envelops us

Flemming (Slagger) is one of few artists that can genuinely convince you with his songs that he takes everything in his stride. A latter day Dylan in some ways. The next thing you know Judas 2.0 will be plugging in an electric guitar. (Only kidding!)

Slagger’s videos are equally entertaining. This one features a human being dressed as a panda, the first one I’ve seen since Manchester band Beiderbecke retired years ago, while it’s nice to see Garth Algar from Wayne’s World making an appearance – clearly a #1 fan.

Other musos turning up in the video are Nikolaj Paakjær from Hymns from Nineveh, Anders H. Riis (also the producer) and Peter H. Olesen from the legendary Danish indie/-post punk bands Greene and Olesen-Olesen, and also the owner of Melodika, the label to release this song and the next Slagger Lund album which is scheduled for November 1st.

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