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Nordic Music Central Viking Hero

New! Nordic Music Central financial support platform available through ‘Buy me a coffee’

Hi to everyone…

I’m uncomfortable about asking anyone for money through crowd funding platforms and have put this off for a long time.

However I have to face the fact that producing Nordic Music Central can be expensive, and I’ve had to cut back on festival and show trips abroad and even to London partly because of those costs.

There are also new projects to think about, possibly podcasts and ‘reaction videos’ if I’m going to improve this product in the future and I need to take in more live gigs again which often give you a better flavour of what an artist is really about.

Several artists have volunteered to drop me a little financial support from time to time without any prompting, which took me by surprise and that is what spurred me to go ahead with a scheme now.

Or to use the jargon, “to use the platform as a conduit for managing your audiences’ appreciation for your work.”

So I have signed up to ’Buy me a Coffee’, which seems to be easy to use both for the ‘creators’ and the readers/contributors. Details on exactly how to use it can be found at the end of this message. It is very easy.

PLEASE NOTE: Unlike Patreon and other such platforms, you don’t have to become a member of anything to contribute!

It’s no big deal for an individual transaction, which is just GB£4 (four British pounds) per coffee and many people will be able to pay in their own national currency, also Dollars, Euros etc, if they choose to.

I absorb any credit card fees.

You can buy me one coffee, three, or as many as it takes to make me tachycardic (5)! You can do it just once or as often as you like.

If you’re really feeling generous you can sign up to a monthly or annual membership plan, which is GB£4 per month.

For the moment I can’t easily think of ways in which I can ‘reward’ financial supporters unlike an artist can. So if you can think of ways to reward individual contributors please let me know.

I think it goes without saying that any artist (or record label or manager or A&R person etc) offering financial support could reasonably expect the artist/band to be reviewed when they release new material but at the same time I want the integrity of the publication to be retained. The review would be an honest one, as ever.

Is that fair enough?


Anyway, if after reading all this you still want to go ahead and Buy me a Coffee, this is what you do!!

You can go directly to my page at

Or you can do it through the Nordic Music Central website. Just click on the Buy me a Coffee logo at the top. It is on every page and post and will take you directly to my Buy me a Coffee page.

The platform accepts credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, as well as some local payment methods.

If you do go ahead…thank you from the bottom of my cup!

Enjoy your coffee while you peruse the latest reviews! (Mine’s a latte by the way).



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