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Sara Lina (Denmark) – Only say yes (single)

New year; new voice. Here is Sara Lina with her debut single, ‘Only say yes’.

There is little information about her on social media, tracking her down isn’t helped by there being a US artist of the same name (and they do look and sound a little like each other), and my first attempt at doing that led me to the website of what seems to be a Dutch clothing brand.

Anyway, I bought a couple of pairs of silk panties and moved swiftly on. (Keep that to yourselves, eh?)

She’s Danish-Italian by the way and the Italian in her smoulders through the song.

She spent four years in Melbourne, chasing sun and surf but finding instead “a journey into an unknown underworld”, but it doesn’t seem to have done her any harm.

Debut songs used to be timid affairs as the artists tactfully sounded out their audience, giving away little about themselves and not making too much of an effort to establish an early identity, preferring to play the field.

Perhaps it’s just a sign of the times but these days they are more likely to go in with guns blazing, ensuring that identity is stamped immediately on the listener or viewer.

The sheer potential for what that title means is enticing in its own right. The press release reliably informs me that “It’s a flamboyant noir-pop track – mesmerising, sensual and free like the night – as Sara Lina sings about the freedom to live spontaneously and say ‘yes’ to all of life’s experiences, fully aware that they might leave scars.”

Sounds like my kinda girl.

The song juxtaposes (word of the day), a melancholic piano of the sort that accompanies cinematic Rom-Coms when it becomes evident that Harry and Sally are never going to be an item after all these years, with a much less careworn, almost couldn’t care less, vocal delivery but one which at the same time is stating her philosophy that life is for living and she’s up for any challenge, just bring it on.

She’s “feeling sexy on my own”, lounging on the balcony with Joni Mitchell on the stereo, counting the starsand the invitation – no, the expectation – if you go around there is that you’ll just say yes. Because that’s the only thing she can say tonight.

There’s no official video for this song yet but snatches of what could be one are on her social pages in which she lights up a joint and chills before doing a little work out in the same black panties I just bought.

Sara is almost in the Madge class already where visual effects are concerned and combined with a sultry vocal the package is all rather appealing.

Her voice and the sensual way she presents the song are very much similar to the way Norway’s Marte Eberson (whose new single we will review on Friday) does it.

And on top of everything else that’s some endorsement, too.

Find her on:



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