After the sophistication of the songs we’ve reviewed over the last few days I was in need of some ‘back to basics’ activity and was sure I would find it in ‘All In’, Dirty Dixxx’s comeback song a little matter of 10 years after they disbanded. BTW – how would you say that? Dirty Dixxxxxsss?
They describe ‘All in’ as “a hard rock song with a classic sleaze touch” and what with the band’s name, the suggestiveness of the song title (who’s putting what all in, and where?) and others they’ve released in the dim and distant past with titles like ‘Sex, Drugs & RocknRoll’, ‘Bad Reputation’, ‘Mr Pusher’ and ‘Booze Blues’ I was wondering whether the content might be too much for the delicate ears of our family audience out there in white picket fence suburbia.
None of it.
‘All in’ is a traditional hard rocker with strong verses, a catchy melody in the anthemic chorus, hard driving bass line, a couple of short guitar solos, the second of which is the most impressive if you like your licks fast and furious, a nice bit of syncopation between guitars and a vocalist who really can sing.
1980s, and with a 2020s flourish to it.
As for the sleaze, I thought I heard a muttered expletive somewhere but hey – we’re all adults.
Hard rock isn’t my go to genre but I’ve had it on loop for the last half hour or so and haven’t tired of it so far.
Or to put it another way, I’m not quite all in, yet.
I guess there’s a lot of head banging when they play live so they’d better start wrapping the speakers in padding down at the Delta Rock festival which takes place at Bergeforsparken in Timrå near Sundsvall – which is where they come from – on 29th March.
Be there or be square.
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