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Nordic Music Central Viking Hero

BÆNCH (Denmark) – Bloody Feeling (single)

To be honest I wasn’t feeling up to writing a review tonight but BÆNCH made my life a whole lot easier with this latest single, ‘Bloody Feeling’.

When we wrote about a previous single, ‘Skipped a step’,  I noted that while they are billed as ‘post-punk with a hint of shoegaze’ (or something like that), what I heard was the art rock of the likes of Arcade Fire and one song in particular, their ‘Month of May’.

(‘Skipped a step’, incidentally, has been nominated   in the category ROCK SINGLE OF THE YEAR at the Danish Alternative Music Awards).

And here they are 10 months later pretty much doing the same thing, and highly effectively, with their third single, ‘Bloody Feeling’.

I don’t know quite what ‘Bloody Feeling’ is about apart from that it “thematises the strangely cathartic nature of chaos and self-destruction”, but there are plenty of allusions to the world of boxing in their publicity and this song sounds like Mike Tyson just came hurtling out of his corner at the first round bell determined to finish the bout and leave the building before the prawn sandwich brigade have even taken their seats.

It comes out of the blocks at the speed of a bullet and doesn’t let up for three minutes and 20 seconds at which point a technical knockout is declared.

Helping it along the way from that red corner is a bass line like a pneumatic drill operated by Peter Hook; percussion (fundamentally hi-hat , kick bass and snare drum) like a lovelorn, out of control oil rig that’s just hot a reservoir of the black stuff; and an overall impact like a medieval mass flogging.

These guys can rock; there’s no two ways about it.

I’ve got a bloody feeling that it will soon be Monday morning but I’m all the better prepared for it now.

They say this is their “third and final” single. I hope that doesn’t mean they are calling it a day already, rather that they omitted “before the EP (or album) is released.”

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