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GLIMTVIS (Denmark) – Weren’t we just dancing (single)

I like intelligent, thought-provoking pop. That’s why I featured GLIMTVIS’ previous single back in June and why they’re here again now.

Last time out GLIMTVIS were singing about feelings of inadequacy, and the search for and the hope of finding “the perfect self”, a version that probably doesn’t exist.

Now, in ‘Weren’t we just dancing’, a title full of irony, they turn their attention to “the difficult dating life in adulthood,” casting light again on their inadequacy in actually handling adult life. They don’t appear to mind sharing personal songs, even baring their souls.

They mention an inability to control things at that age. Now I don’t know what age they’re talking about, they don’t look as if the kids are about to pack them off to a retirement home, but if push comes to shove I reckon the only things you need to worry about controlling are your drooling, your bladder and your bowels…

What the song zeroes in on is actually later-in-life dating. Tinder for Dummies I think the book is called, complete with drawings showing you how to get your arthritic fingers to swipe left and right.

In reality it goes deeper than that and examines the part of adult dating life that often a little too quickly revolves around – “How was your divorce? Did you also need a cutthroat lawyer? Which weeks do you have your children? Are you sure you are truly happy with your hair colour?”

Oh, this resonates perfectly with me. The only time I ever used a dating service, about 20 years ago when my mother fretted I was going to end up on the shelf (I did anyway), I called a woman (you didn’t do it on the internet then) to set up a date and the only thing she wanted to know – ad nauseam – was how tall I was. She wouldn’t accept my answer. Turns out that last week’s date said he was 6’ 4” when he was actually 5’ 2”.

She thought that I, like him, might have ‘small man’ syndrome. I assured her that I am indeed a ‘small’ man if she got my drift.

And that was the end of that.

But I digress.

So this song concerns “where the expectations for the one you are looking for are far too high (no pun intended) and where the skeletons in the closet are standing there, banging their bones against the door to get out”.

The previous song was replete with Americana and with distinct Dolly Parton overtones. It’s harder to identify the genre this time, there’s a lot in there…Nashville/Austin (they just played the Nashville Nights festival in Odense); shadowy indie-pop, a rocking outro, a neat bit of harmonica and smart lyrics like “you don’t know me that well, I hope that makes me interesting”, which seems to sum up the whole online dating thing, certainly the one offered by the likes of Plenty of Fish.

Listen. Appreciate. Learn. Then get on line. Good luck.

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