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Green Sky Accident (Norway) – Insert Coin (track from album Daytime TV)

Searching around for a focus track for this album ‘Insert Coin’ seemed an appropriate one; who knows, I might just get lucky, I thought.

And when the penny dropped it was a fortuitous tumble of the dice because the track is snappy, upbeat, danceable (well, perhaps not by me) and melodious.

Green Sky Accident is from Bergen in the Western Fjords. They say they build their songs around catchy riffs – definitely the case here – and they compare themselves to “indie heroes” of the 1990s, ones that were “jangly, noisy and sweet” while still “packing a punch.” Now would you count the likes of Supergrass and Haircut 100 amongst those ‘heroes’? If your answer is yes you’ve pretty well nailed Green Sky Accident, as far as this song goes. I can almost see those gleaming white teeth.

And they can play. There are some complex little arrangements within the song (and others) which bring out the best in their musicality.

‘Insert Coin’ isn’t typical of the album. The title track is similar but otherwise it ranges between shoe gaze and full-on rock and they seem to enjoy oddball time signatures. And then the ninth track plays out unexpectedly with a delicate little piano electric piece that is in danger of elevating into full blown ambience when the ‘Lid’ comes down on it.

Throughout I’m constantly reminded of Denmark’s Kindsight. They have a similar vibe.

They’ve recorded in the past just for themselves but in this case signed up with Apollon Records to release what is their debut commercial album. Good decision.

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