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Old Man Blues (Denmark) – Respect (single/track from forthcoming album)

Old Man Blues (led by Michael Krogsgaard) was here earlier in the year, in January to be precise, with a song called ‘Sex without love.’

Mr Krogsgaard is an interesting chap, being one of the most knowledgeable people on the planet about Bob Dylan, while doubling as a physician and Professor at a Copenhagen hospital. He was also a record label boss at the tender age of 21 and with the motivation to create his own music coming to him later in life he still releases his own work on that same label.

He also churns out some pretty startling songs, that last one being bluesy as the band name suggests while this one is a peculiar mix of punk and 60’s hard and 80s punk rock. I reckon I can even hear a hint of ska in there as well.

If you can imagine an amalgam of The Undertones, Jimi Hendrix, Family, Argent, The Stranglers and Lou Reed you’ll get some idea of his very original style. He is a self-confessed music aficionado and it seems he set out to cram as many styles as possible into one song, again throwing a short but blistering guitar shred into the bargain.

But he manages to do that without losing his originality! How cool is that?

It isn’t immediately clear what his message, “Respect your roots” amounts to. Analysing the lyrics as best I can it seems that he’s saying always remember where you came from and show deference to your upbringing,  but at the same time keep an open mind about different ways of looking at things because your teachers might have been wrong.

If so, it’s the antithesis of Lail Arad’s line in her song ‘My Love’, “and we’re jealous of our parent’s generation/and we’re angry at our parents’ generation/…still we seek their affirmation”, one of the best, most telling, lines ever written.

You’ll find them all in here

‘Respect’ is the first single leading up to a full-length album set to be released in 2024.

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