Lars Fredrik Frøislie (Norway) – Gamle Mester (single/title track from forthcoming album)
Reading time: 3 minutesMonday night, and time for some progressive rock. We haven’t had any for a few weeks now and this, my friends, is classic prog. Classic
Reading time: 3 minutesMonday night, and time for some progressive rock. We haven’t had any for a few weeks now and this, my friends, is classic prog. Classic
Reading time: 2 minutesIt isn’t often that you can say genuinely that a song is vocally led, while at the same time acknowledging the contribution of the musicianship.
Reading time: 2 minutesAs it happens I’m reading, for the second time, the Icelandic writer Arnaldur Indridason’s creepy Second World War crime novel The Shadow District. It deals
Reading time: 2 minutesBack from holiday and I’m finally getting my head around the Danish language. Of course, ‘Ekstranummer’ would be ‘extra number’ in English or just plain
Reading time: 3 minutesTaking some time out, so a couple of quick reviews to tide you over until later. Ask Carol (Norway) – Wind in my hair (single)
Reading time: < 1 minuteThe Stockholm synth pop pioneers Red Cell return with the usual non-stop banger that we’ve come to expect from them but this time with a
Reading time: 2 minutesAmilost – I suppose that’s Am I lost? Or is that too obvious? I love their Introduction on Facebook – “A Norwegian and a Scotsman