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The Brides of the Black Room (Sweden) – Sirens (single/track from debut album)

‘Goth’ is alive and unwell in Sweden as the number of artists that fall into that ‘genre’ that I’ve written about will testify. And quite a few of them are on this label, Icons Creating Evil Art which is equivalent to what Nuclear Blast does for metal.

This is The Brides of the Black Room, “an artistic collective existing for the sole purpose of serving our eternal Mother. The harder the outside world has tried to destroy, the harder the collective has become. For every blow, they have grown stronger.”

I see.

And this is their latest offering to Mother, ‘Sirens’.

The online intro to the song is pure theatre; I’ll copy/paste it verbatim –

“Within the concrete confines of the ‘Black Room’, The Arch Witch, Lea Alazam and Ginger Khan attempt to gain access to forbidden knowledge via the tools of their trade…       

Beyond the firewall of a network, used by a criminal organisation harvesting stolen data and conducting electronic theft, lays information regarding the whereabouts of a shadowy malware.

This piece of war-tech is sought after by The Brides, and they are now very close to finding its location. But as The Arch Witch begins the final stretch of her work in pining down hardware on which it is stored, she is hindered by a faceless opponent in the fibernet calling herself ‘Montague’. Will this adversary raise the alarms and sirens? Or is there another path forward..?

Sirens’ is performed by The Brides of the Black Room featured by the mysterious Nadia Montague.”

So the sirens are the sort that go off when you pass in front of an infra-red light or break out of a prison, not those that lounge on the Lorelei rock. That’s a disappointment because I’d been expecting the latter.

They really should make a novel out of this.

But for now all we have is this song.

I have to say that there’s more anthemic ‘electro pop’ in ‘Sirens’, especially in the chorus, than I was expecting but that’s no bad thing. It’s moody and atmospheric, you can imagine it being recorded in the ‘black room’ but what really hits you is a strong, pleasing melody line and a chorus that will stick in your mind.

The vocal is provided (I think, I can’t get my head around the PR release, which mentions other females) by Lea Amling Alazam (fabulous name), who has a metal background. Whoever it is she manages, Mother knows how, to find a find a sweet spot somewhere between Amy Lee, Morticia from the Addams Family and Kylie.

While the hook is instantly heard you’ll need to listen to this a few times to really get the vibe but when you do it will stay with you. I’d say it’s verging on national radio material in the UK, something which is usually pretty hard to achieve for foreign bands.

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