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The Bridges (Denmark) – Untouchable (single)

They like a drink, these young Danes. And they can hold their lager, too. At the end of the video for their debut single, ‘Daydreamers’, last November, The Bridges band members were evicted from a gig venue but straight into the welcoming arms of the landlady of the KAFFÉ ANN’EN directly across the road where they quickly settled into a game of pool, a smoke and a few rounds of Carlsberg.

And Hey Præstø! (that’s a pun, it’s where they are from, in the Zealand countryside well south of Copenhagen), they’re still in the same bar, six months on, in the video for this latest release, ‘Untouchable’.

There’s nothing too deep about The Bridges’ songs, nothing to keep you awake at night, worrying about climate change, the deficit, or how you’re going to pay your leccy bill this month.

This one concerns two love birds, two lost souls, out of control, but who are ‘untouchable’ as long as they continue to believe it themselves. Bonnie & Clyde. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Thelma & Louise.

They’re a fun-loving band, out to enjoy themselves while they can, trundling through the countryside and down on the shore, miles (sorry, kilometres) away from the cares of the big city and always on the lookout for that je ne sais quoi that will brighten up their day; the main chance.

In the video it looks like that opportunity might have come in the form of buried treasure perhaps, the location of which is discovered via a message in a bottle. It turns out just to be the spot where the band is playing. Riches can wait for another day.

Incidentally I’d love to know where that bridge is. Denmark has a few of those and perhaps that’s how they got their name. It might be a metaphor for something. It can’t be the Øresund Bridge because that’s got a railway line slung underneath it (I watch all the Nordic Noirs on TV). My guess is that it’s on the E47 across the Storstrømmen, about 10 miles south of Præstø. If I’m right the band can buy me a Carlsberg or two when they tour the UK.

They were apparently inspired on this particular song by the indie pop/rock scene of the 00s, but I’d go further back than that and venture a connection with the 1980s and 90s and especially with bands like Haircut 100 and Supergrass.

I have to say it isn’t as catchy as ‘Daydreamers’ but that had a melody to die for, and it might have been a bit longer, too. But it’s still a pretty good effort.

And I learned a couple of things too, such as that the lady in the band (Marie) is the drummer. That’s the second time I’ve been surprised by a female drummer in a few days. They must be coming back into fashion.

But mainly that Erling Haaland is a guitarist, playing hooky from training at Manchester City to make this video. Someone tell Pep.

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