Nordic Music Central Viking Hero

The Sweet Parade (Iceland) – Luck (single)

We don’t get much from Iceland these days. The Sweet Parade (the one man band that is Snorri Gunnarsson, a photographer with a history of playing in numerous underground bands) paid us a visit roughly a year ago with a single called ‘Sweet Nothing’, which had me drooling over its Lynyrd Skynyrd-like vibe.

It was accompanied by the ultimate road movie video as one car follows the taillights of another along a road, in the rain. That’s it.

‘Sweet Nothing’ was his eight single, there’s been another one since which we missed as luck would have it, so here is #10, ironically titled ‘Luck.’

They say you make your own luck (which is an oxymoron, surely) but Snorri has certainly had a good shot at it with this song.

With Beatles-evoking piano and drums allied to Oasis-reminiscent guitar, Snorri is in danger of doing something here which most people would have considered impossible: uniting Liverpool and Manchester, at least musically with love from Reykjavik.

If Lady Luck should smile down on him, this could be Snorri’s lucky break. But I won’t push my luck on that.

After all, it’s all in the luck of the draw.

Enough already.

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