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Nordic Music Central Viking Hero

Todd & Karen (Norway) – Bougie Suzie (single/possible album track)

Todd & Karen is a Norwegian-Irish duo out of Kongsberg, a mining town about 75km southwest of Oslo, and consists of Øyvind Berge and Ina Verdi-Ruckstuhl.

They were last here in June 2023 with a ditty that concerned itself with the peculiar shortness of the Scandinavia summer.

Easy on the ear, entertaining and amusing is how I summed it up and it’s pretty much the same for the latest offering, ‘Bougie Suzie’.

It appears they are working towards their first long-player, which will be a compilation of their singles to date and entitled, ambitiously, ‘Singles.’

While the previous song was generic in nature this one is much more parochial and written perhaps for a select audience, of locals, possibly family and friends, who will get the references to the oddball characters, who may have appeared in previous songs (Beardsley certainly has).

By that I mean to Bougie Suzie and her up-marketing ambitions, to Beardsley – whoever he is – to why she’s driving a new Tesla, what sort of town Kongsberg is with its streetwalkers and rent boys and girls, why Suzie’s in trouble, and why she doesn’t give a f*** anyway. And why they (T&C) have stolen a road sign.

Indeed, the final shot of the video might even suggest they are Suzie and Beardsley.  

It’s all very mysterious. A sort of reverse Stepford Wives transported to Norway.

People sometimes ask me why I feature light-hearted stuff like this when there are battalions of deadly serious Nordic composers out there trying to take on the world but needing all the help they can get.

Well, I feature them, in spades, but I need a break too, sometimes. And all work and no play makes both Suzie and I a dull boy/girl/they/them.


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